When you think of pool noodles, you might associate them with family fun in the swimming pool. However, did you know that they have a surprising use for fishing as well? Pool noodles are an excellent alternative to traditional fishing gear. Learn the ins and outs with this complete guide to fishing with pool noodles.
Benefits of Using Pool Noodles for Fishing
It’s no secret that angling can get pretty expensive, especially when you consider tackle, gear, and bait. As such, two of the best benefits of pool noodles are their affordability and versatility. For example, you can use pool noodles to create bobbers or drift floats, or you can attach them to your fishing rod to organize your tackle. You can also use them to mark your fishing spots by cutting them into smaller sections and tying them to your fishing line.
Any fisher knows that buoyancy indicators are crucial to help detect the slightest movement in the water. However, standard commercial indicators are expensive. Using pool noodles is an affordable alternative to track a fish's movement in the water. You can either take a long pool noodle and attach it to your fishing line or cut it into smaller bits to use as a smaller indicator.
The best benefit is that you can reuse foam noodles, unlike other types of fishing gear. They're an excellent choice for beginners, children, or anyone interested in low-risk investments.
How To Use a Pool Noodle To Cast a Line
Generally, improper casting techniques can lead to tangled fishing lines, lost lures, and unsatisfactory fishing trips. Fortunately, there is a simple and inexpensive solution that could save time—pool noodles. To cast a line using a pool noodle, follow these simple steps:
- Start by cutting a section of the pool noodle to the desired length. This will serve as the float for your fishing line.
- Tie one end of your fishing line to the pool noodle. Make sure it is secure and won't come loose when casting or reeling in.
- Add your preferred bait to the fishing hook and make sure it’s secure.
- Hold on to the pool noodle and gently swing your arm forward to cast the line into the water. Release the noodle at the right moment to allow the line to fly out.
- Once your line is in the water, wait for a fish to bite. Keep an eye on the pool noodle, as it will bob or move if there is activity on the line.
- When you feel a tug on the line or see the pool noodle moving significantly, it's time to reel in your catch. Slowly and steadily retrieve the line while maintaining tension.
Securing Bait on the Noodle
Another essential part of this guide to fishing with pool noodles is bait-securing methods. Bait attracts fish to your pole and allows you to secure a good catch. Here are a few methods to secure bait on foam noodles.
- Attach the bait using hooks and line. Take a fishing hook and thread it through the bait, ensuring it’s secure. Next, tie your fishing line to the hook, making sure it is tight. Attach the baited hook to the noodle by looping the line around it and tying a knot. This method keeps the bait in place and prevents it from easily coming loose.
- Another strategy involves rubber bands or zip ties. Place the bait onto the noodle and wrap a rubber band or zip tie around it, ensuring it holds the bait firmly in place. This method is quick and easy, providing a secure attachment for the bait!
- Lastly, you can utilize bait clips or clamps. Simply attach the clip or clamp to the noodle, insert the bait, and close it. This method provides a strong hold on the bait, preventing it from slipping off during casting or while in the water.
Techniques for Reeling in a Catch
When it comes to successfully reeling in a catch with a pool noodle, there are a few techniques you can try.
- When casting your line, consider the direction of the current or wind to maximize your chances of attracting fish. Aim for areas where fish are likely present, like structures or drop-offs.
- Keep an eye on the pool noodle while your line is in the water. If you notice any significant movement or bobbing, it could indicate that a fish has the bait.
- To ensure a successful hookset, maintain tension on the line while reeling in. This will help you feel the fish's movements and allow you to respond properly.
Tips for Choosing the Right Pool Noodle
Although most pool noodles have a similar appearance, there are various options to choose from. When choosing the right type of pool noodle for fishing, consider the following tips:
- Select larger pool noodles, as they provide better buoyancy and stability. They also provide better visibility and ensure your line stays afloat.
- Choose cylindrical pool noodles that have a consistent diameter along their length. This shape allows for easy attachment of lines, hooks, and other gear. You can also consider clamp-on foam padding for extra convenience that allows you to instantly attach fishing accessories.
- Furthermore, select bright-colored pool noodles to enhance visibility in the water. Vibrant colors like orange, yellow, or neon green make it easier to spot movement on the surface.
Other Pool Noodle Fishing Hacks
Bobber Holder
A bobber is critical in fishing because it helps you detect when you have caught a fish. However, keeping the bobber in place is difficult. But this is where pool noodles come in handy. Cut the noodle into small pieces and make a slit in the middle. Insert the bobber into the slit, and you’ll have a stable floater that won't sink!
Hook Protector
Hooks can be dangerous, especially when you are removing them from the fish's mouth. To avoid poking yourself, squeeze the hook through a pool noodle. The foam will hold the hook firmly in place, and you can remove it from the fish's mouth.
Fish Holder
If you don't have a basket, use a pool noodle to hold your catch. Slit a pool noodle lengthwise and place the fish into the slit. Don’t overload the pool noodle because it might tip!
Fishing Rod Stand
You can craft a rod holder using a pool noodle. Cut off a small section of the noodle and make a slit. Insert the rod into the slit to create a makeshift rod holder! Ideally, this stand will be stable enough to hold your rod and prevent it from slipping.