If you like to DIY, you’ve likely spray-painted something before. If it was your first time spray painting a surface, you might have run into a couple of issues. If not, then you might not have known about the potential dangers, risks, and issues you could run into when using spray paint.
While it can be a great way to paint a surface quickly, there is a right and wrong way to spray-paint. That’s why you need to know about the different ways to spray-paint pool noodles both safely and effectively.
Spray Painting
Spray painting is an incredibly popular painting method many people use for a variety of crafts, projects, and jobs. It allows the painter to cover a wider surface area with increased efficiency and ease. The spray mechanism also helps attain an even finish without the appearance of brush marks.
However, just because spray painting has benefits that paint brushing lacks, that doesn’t mean everything that sprays is gold. Spray paint could potentially become a hazard and safety risk if you don’t wear safety gear or follow the best protocols. That isn’t to scare you or to deter you from using spray paint, as it’s a great option, but it’s also important to take the necessary precautions. For that reason, we have created this guide on how to spray paint pool noodles safely and effectively.
Safety Gear
Spray paint has harmful chemicals that are carcinogenic and neurotoxic, which can negatively affect your circulatory, respiratory, and nervous systems. That means this paint can cause serious health issues that could become fatal without donning proper safety gear. Here is some of the personal protective equipment you should wear if you plan to spray-paint:
- Paint Respirator Mask
- Protective eyewear like safety glasses or a face shield
- Gloves
- Coveralls or long clothing that covers your skin
The basic idea is to cover every part of your body that could come into contact with spray paint. You don’t absolutely have to purchase coveralls, but keep in mind that loose clothing can potentially allow chemicals to pass through and onto your skin. That’s why it’s best practice to wear clothing with elastic ankles and wrists, as it prevents spray paint from entering.
Safety Protocols
In addition to donning appropriate safety gear, you must also follow certain safety protocols before you begin spray painting. The most important thing is to work in an area with excellent ventilation. Without proper ventilation, you could risk serious damage to your respiratory system.
When possible, try to spray paint outside or in a partially open space like a garage. If you can’t make that work, you should always open your windows and doors to allow fresh air to ventilate inside as you paint. Another safety protocol you should know is to keep your aerosol cans away from any heat or electrical sources, as this can increase the likelihood of your can exploding.
Throwing Away
When you hear your spray paint can rattling, you know the time has come for you to discard it. It may seem obvious to some, but you should never puncture your cans. Moreover, avoid putting it in a trash compactor too, as this could also make the can burst. The best course of action is to recycle your aerosol cans.
Pool Noodles
Now that you know all the safety procedures to follow before you begin spray painting, you can now get to the fun stuff. That is, spray painting your noodles. There are many reasons why someone may want to spray paint their foam noodles, as they are phenomenally versatile.
If you really want your paint to pop, you might consider using our white swimming noodles. At Honor Trading Company, we have oodles of noodles available for you to purchase in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. We understand that you have a lot of needs that foam noodles can meet, which is why we provide you with so much variety.
Painting Your Noodles
You might think you can get right into painting your noodles, but there are some caveats you should be aware of. Firstly, pool noodles have Styrofoam in them, which we all know can easily warp, melt, or degrade in exposure to heat or chemicals. That means your pool noodles could potentially melt when you begin spray painting. However, there’s no reason to fear as you can avoid this with the proper spray paint and techniques.
Choosing Your Spray Paint
The most significant portion of this craft involves choosing the correct spray paint, as there is a wrong choice. It would be smart to avoid spray paints that have an oil base like enamel or lacquer because these chemicals decay the foam material in your noodles. Therefore, try to opt for spray paints with a water or latex base, as these options decrease the chances that your foam pool noodle will melt. Unfortunately, you cannot entirely avoid the possibility of melting, but there are choices you can make to mitigate it.
Painting Technique
Interestingly, there is a painting technique that helps ensure an even finish to your foam noodles. This technique also helps prevent your noodles from melting. You might think it’s best to spray paint your noodles with a downward-facing technique, but this is not an ideal way to paint foam. When you paint this way, the propellant that shoots out of the can will land right onto your noodles, which can cause melting.
As such, it’s best to spray paint your foam pool noodles in a horizontal fashion, as this allows for some of the propellants to disperse and not fall directly on your noodles. Try to spray paint about one foot or even further away, painting in horizontal streaks. It’s best to wait about 20 minutes for your paint to dry before you apply another coat.
Prepping Your Noodle
This preparatory step isn’t a requirement, but it’s an option if you’re concerned about attaining as even and pristine a paint finish as possible. If that’s the case, you might consider prepping your noodle with a filler like Polyfilla. Polyfilla will create a smooth base on your noodle, making it easier to paint. However, you must ensure you coat the entire noodle completely and evenly, as this is essential to having a painting finish you can feel proud of.